Remote Healing

Remote Healing

Join us for the 2-day Monthly Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing to help you heal your inner being and mind. Free event.


First day: 1 March 2018 at 3:30-4:30 pm

Second day: 2 March 2018 at 3:30-4:30 pm

Place: Kultakummuntie 16, 00940 Helsinki


Please enroll at


2018 is an extraordinary year! It inherits many outstanding achievements and foundations of 2017. It will surely speed up the Ascension of the Earth!

The Prepare For Change –International Golden Age Group in collaboration with Prepare For Change – Japan will provide remote healing with Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays on the 14th and 15th day of every lunar month to help people around the world heal their inner being and mind. This is a gift provided to everyone free of charge.

About 40 healers from around the world, including Japan, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc. who are all qualified in Level 2 Initiation and practice using Cobra’s 13 rays will devote themselves to becoming Light bearers, conveying these divine healing rays to everyone.

Who are the Ascended Masters?

They have completed every challenge and gone through all levels of difficulty in the earth system of reincarnation, and escaped this prison earth control matrix, and therefore they can instruct us with cosmic knowledge to assist in accelerating the liberation of planet earth. Based on their previous lifetimes and experiences on earth, they have their own higher visions to support planetary liberation and they are fully committed to all living beings on planet earth.

The healing aspects of Ascended Master Rays and Stellar Rays are as following:


1. Sananda Ray – Sananda (Jesus) was a Master who came to Earth many times to teach mankind unconditional love. In India he is called Krishna, he is called Christ in the West. He closely cooperates with Ashtar now to send the energy of unconditional love from Sirius to the Earth. His major important mission is to teach humans unconditional love, healing their own hearts, and learning to love all people with unconditional love.

 2. Kuthumi Ray – Kuthumi was a Master who spread a variety of healing technologies and medical knowledge to human beings. He combines the advantages of Western and Chinese medicine to help more people, and teaches about tachyon healing technology. He is responsible for the development of new healing technologies. Light Mandala Laser energy is one of Hut Kuthumi’s masterpieces. Even more amazing technology will be released by Master Hut Kuthumi after the Event. There are various healing technologies that the Light Forces want to release ASAP both before the Event and during the Event.

 3. Ashtar Ray – Commander Ashtar brings the fifth dimension of consciousness and higher knowledge to the Earth, helping us awaken with 5-dimensional telepathic ability, positively promoting our ascension in the 5th dimension. Ashtar also helps us to know our Star Family and plan for the First Contact after the Event.

 4. Saint Germain Ray – Creates an abundance of both spirituality and material wealth, brings the spiritual knowledge of the Mystery Schools to the Earth. St. Germain is playing a very important role at this time. He was born before in the 18th century in France, where he established a Mystery School in Paris, and where he also set up the Saint Germain Trust Fund. After the Event, many light workers, especially those working hard for the light, will receive funds from the Saint Germain Trust Fund. The main purpose of this money is to help Lightworkers with daily life and to fund the First Contact.

5. Serapis Bey Ray –Serapis Bey has a great degree of connection to and cooperation with the angelic realm. If a person wants to communicate with the angelic realm, he or she can connect with Master Serapis Bey.

 6. Djwhal Khul Ray –Helps us to heal the mental and ethertic bodies.



1.Pleiades – heal the mind and heals relationships.

2.Sirius – brings joy to our hearts.

3.Orion – cleanses our inner emotions, transmutes inner negativity and hatred, releases all the feelings of depression.

4.Galactic Central Sun – our light and the source of our life energy, evolution, connects to our higher selves and higher goals, helps us recall our mission on the earth.

5.Andromeda – proficient in the manipulation of the physical realm, including finances and all material things, to enhance the three-dimensional aspects of our lives, such as improving health, relationships, finances, etc.

6.Lyra – help us to enhance and strengthen our creativity.

7.Antares/Aldebaron – help us move from duality into ONENESS.

Please Note:

  1. Dietary options: Please choose fresh or organic vegetables, clean and safe drinking water, spend more time in nature and maintain a positive consciousness.
  2. You can have a nice bath before the healing session begins; this will be helpful for you to keep the energy of the rays operating within your own energetic system.
  3. During the healing , you can lie down or just have a seat, and release all your muscles and intense emotions. Breathe deeply and continuously (bringing yourself into an alpha wave state). Focus your intention on your crown chakra or heart chakra, and fully trust and receive the healing rays.

Small donations of 5-10 euro accepted


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