Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Heal your body and mind, Expand your Consciousness and Discover your Highest Potential

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an amazing journey into the unlimited knowledge, love and wisdom of your Higher consciousness.

With just one Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session you can:

  • find your life purpose
  • experience your past, future and parallel lives
  • communicate directly to your Higher self/Subconscious mind
  • unlock the authentic version of yourself
  • heal your body and mind
  • find your inner power and start using it
  • understand and fix relationships
  • release patterns and believes that block your joy, creativity, motivation
  • let go of anger, sadness and other negative feelings
  • find out about the Universe, God/Source and your connection to it

Here are some of the remarkable healings I have witnessed during my Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions:

  •     Fixed scoliosis (curved spine)
  •     Healed depression and/or anxiety
  •     Cartilage reconstruction
  •     Improved eyesight
  •     Reversed allergies
  •     Cured migraines
  •     Cured diabetes
  •     Healed digestive problems
  •     Relieved lower, middle and upper back pains
  •     Relieved neck and shoulders pains
  •     Fixed knees and hips
  •     Cured asthma
  •     Healed eczema and other skin problems
  •     Cured obesity
  •     Get pregnant
  •     Cancer remission
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Heal your body and mind, Expand your Consciousness and Discover your Highest Potential

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an amazing journey into the unlimited knowledge, love and wisdom of your Higher consciousness.

With just one Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session you can:

  • find your life purpose
  • experience your past, future and parallel lives
  • communicate directly to your Higher self/Subconscious mind
  • unlock the authentic version of yourself
  • heal your body and mind
  • find your inner power and start using it
  • understand and fix relationships
  • release patterns and believes that block your joy, creativity, motivation
  • let go of anger, sadness and other negative feelings
  • find out about the Universe, God/Source and your connection to it

Here are some of the remarkable healings I have witnessed during my Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions:

  •     Cancer remission
  •     Fixed scoliosis (curved spine)
  •     Healed depression and/or anxiety
  •     Cartilage reconstruction
  •     Improved eyesight
  •     Reversed allergies
  •     Cured migraines
  •     Cured diabetes
  •     Healed digestive problems
  •     Relieved lower, middle and upper back pains
  •     Relieved neck and shoulders pains
  •     Fixed knees and hips
  •     Cured asthma
  •     Healed eczema and other skin problems
  •     Cured obesity
  •     Get pregnant
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique?
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a therapeutic method developed by Dolores Cannon. It involves inducing you into a deeper state of your brain, called theta. Under ordinary circumstances you experience theta brain state at the moment just before you fall asleep and the moment just before you become awake. Therefore, you are in this brain state at least twice a day, every day. While in this deep state, your brain frequencies match the vibratory frequencies of the quantum field of possibilities of the Universe. Hence, you start vibrating at higher frequencies and you’re higher in consciousness. Your perception is heightened and you see things more clearly.

Higher state of consciousness in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

The higher your vibrational frequency, the more you allow a greater flow of energy through your mind and body. There are no limits of where you can go and how much you can expand your consciousness. And because of that you can reach and unlock the authentic version of yourself – your Higher self.

Past, future and parallel lives

When you are in the quantum field, you are also in the akashic records, where every single piece of information about you is stored in. Therefore, you can see your past lives, parallel lives, future lives, life between lives (spiritual world). Exploring them is a way of understanding and dealing with the persistent problems you may have.

Access to a greater knowledge

We have all lived multiple other lives and we all have a Higher self. As a matter of fact, everybody is connected to their Higher self all the time. For this reason, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique works with every person – regardless of their age, gender, personality, physical symptoms, religious beliefs or cultural backgrounds.

What happens in your body when in Theta brain waves?
In Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, when you take your attention off of the material world around you and begin to open your awareness, your brainwaves slow down into alpha level. Then you continue to rest and drop down to theta. There is very little brain activity in theta. Your body is almost asleep while at the same time your mind is awake. Now you are beyond your analytical mind. You become conscious in your subconscious mind. Energy starts moving from the body to the brain and activates the pineal gland. When this happens you have a full on sensory expereince. Your senses are heightened and with that, your awareness is heightened. You don’t visualize this sensory experience, it is happening to you. You are literally in another world or another dimension. You tune into different frequencies. You move through time, experience dimensions and spaces, you realize you are One with Everything. You have a greater understanding of who you really are. You have a broader spectrum of reality.
What is Past Life Regression like?
Past Life Regression is the first component of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. It will recover and explore memories of your other lives – past lives, parallel lives, future lives, lives on other planets, other dimensions or life between lives (spiritual world). I will guide you through one to three other lives using a series of questions to help determine the space-time point of occurence (either on this planet or other planets) and social settings of the life.

Your other lives influence your current life

You are connected to other lives where you have been working through similar challenges as the issues you are now facing. Through revisiting another life in your Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, you are able to understand how those lives anchor you to repetitive patterns of behavior from the past.

Spiritual healing

Simply re-living and re-experiencing other lives in your Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session creates the kind of understanding that is really transformative. This empowers you to forgive, to let go, to learn and ultimately to make different choices in your present life. Such deep spiritual healing often translates into the healing of physical symptoms and illnesses. Read more about Past Life Regression here

What is your Higher Self?
In Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique you connect to your Higher Self. Your Higher self is an immensely wise and powerful being that is always trying to encourage you to create the best experiences for yourself and to become the highest vision of yourself. Why? Because you are part of it, and it is experiencing through you. The Higher self (or the Subconscious, as Dolores Cannon refers to it) is a portion of your consciousness that lays far above the level of your conscious mind. The Higher self is referred to as: the Over-soul, Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, the Universal Mind and Oneness.

Your Higher self knows everything about you and your life

Since a connection to the quantum field is established during a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session, we use this connection to ask questions. Imagine being able to receive the answer to any question you have ever had! As a result, you gain a greater understanding about your life and physical healing occurs. Important to know, your Higher self will only choose to share information that is appropriate and only of benefit to you.

Messages of your body

As a result of conducting many Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions with many different patients, we have concluded that any illness, decease, or pain is a message of the body. And because the language of the body is very literal, you can easily understand the lesson it is trying to convey. Usually pain in the lower back means that you are carrying a heavy (emotional) load; problems with eyes – you don’t want to see the truth; problem with throat/thyroid – not speaking out your truth and so on. In a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session, your Higher self will explain the reasons behind your physical problems and heal them if it’s appropriate.

Higher understanding during your Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session

In essence, your Higher self will provide you with higher understanding about your love and family relationships, job and money struggles, inner issues, heal your body and tell you what is the purpose of your life.

Healing with the power of your consciousness
When you connect with your Higher self in your Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session, your Higher self will identify any physical problem within your body and explain the causes for its presence.

How healing occurs?

In some cases, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is enough for a healing to occur. In other cases, the Higher self will relieve and remove the problem.

You will be healed only if you WANT to be healed

Important to realize, healing during your Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session can only occur if you want to be healed. In addition, healing won’t be allowed if it interferes with the goals of your life. For example, the Higher self of a blind person would not heal his sight if being blind was one of the key aspects of his life he agreed to experience. Likewise, it would not heal a physical problem someone had created through the lack of care for their body if they had not yet learned the lesson to love and respect their body. Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination.

How to Prepare for your Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Session
Prepare a list of questions you would like to be answered by your Higher Self. Make one list of physical/health questions you have and another separate list of personal/life questions you want answered. Bring these with you to your session. It’s best to have up to 10-15 questions. Read more about your Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session and how to prepare  

What are the Benefits of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique?

  • Life transformation
  • Emotional and physical healing
  • Increased spiritual awareness
  • Enlightened mind
  • Love and acceptance of how things are
  • Inner harmony and peace
  • Feeling able to engage in self-care and self-love
  • Boosted energy levels
  • New vision and understanding of life
  • No longer separate and alone
  • Discover new directions for living your life
  • Happier, more in control of your thinking
  • Easier decision making
  • Increased conscious awareness
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Does Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Work?

Absolutely. Just put an intention to receive the healing and the answers within. The session unwinds in a divine guidance, so you should not worry about anything. All you need to do is keep an open mind and let the magic happen.


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